Welcome to the mess! Sorry About the Mess! But this is me!
Well, this isn't what I look like all the time. Thank goodness!
My name is Nellie. And I am a sew-a-holic. Seamster or sewist, if you don't mind. And because I feel deeply compelled to sew each and every day the house tends to fall into massive disarray with 3 children running around trying to avoid their chores. And that is why everything is Sew Messy.
Introducing the crazy, messy clan!!
This is Oly! And yes, those are chocolate glasses he has made for himself. I guess he wanted to look like his brother. He's the youngest of the mess makers! And he LOVES everything Momma makes! Matter of fact, he tends to get very upset if I show him something new and it doesn't belong to him. He makes my heart happy!!
Here is Riven! This picture is a little old, but check out that hair! Messy as all get out. And he likes it that way! It's a lot longer now and his glasses are a bright blue and yellow, but he still has that crazy messy hair! He also loves everything I make him, and is currently begging for a jacket, hopefully I can get it done before school starts! He is pretty sure Momma can make absolutely anything and has asked for some pretty outrageous costumes for Halloween, I'm not sure if I should be sad or no when saying that I have yet to disappoint him.

Here is Miss Kay! The oldest of the bunch. This picture is a few years old and she has much better taste in clothing now. It does help that I make most of it for her (I didn't make any of this outfit). We have actually spent a lot of the last year or so fighting over clothing because we have different tastes in color and fit, but we are beginning to come to the understanding that just because I made it and she doesn't like it doesn't mean she has to wear it, but she does need to tell me EXACTLY what she doesn't like about it so I can fix the next one. She is also slowly learning how to become my model and she learns how to get comfortable in front of the camera and I get more comfortable behind the camera.

And here is Coby, the love of my life. His encouragement and hard work are part of the reason I get to sew so much. He supports me and challenges me and loves me, even when he comes home and dinner isn't made and the kids are crazy and the house is a complete disaster! I sew for him occasionally. Most of what I make is pattern-less designs for his hiking ventures and the occasional tee shirt.
And then there is me. There isn't much more to me then my family and my messy sewing. I've been sewing clothing for almost 4 years now, but only made my first shirt 2 years ago, the rest were self-drafted pajama pants. I am excited to begin this journey of messy sewing! Thanks for joining me! And sorry about the mess!